Master the 5 intangibles to make the impossible, possible!
Emotional Control

What matters in life is not what happens,
but your reaction to what happens.
Do you want to:
get control of your life,
achieve a seemingly impossible goal, or
overcome a traumatic life challenge?
Take command of the intangibles and you can conquer all obstacles.
“Your power within makes the impossible, possible!”
Bill Blokker, Ed.D.
Achieve Beyond Expectations
is an American Book Fest Finalist for Self-Help- Motivational and #1 BEST SELLER on Amazon for Leadership and Business Management in the United States and six other countries.
Achieve Beyond Expectations is a no-nonsense, wake-up call book, designed to inspire and inform. Discover how the achievers in this book conquered crushing obstacles by igniting their power within. Get specific, practical strategies to trigger your own extraordinary performance. Learn to control situations and your reaction to situations. This is a “how to” book to direct your transformation. You can achieve beyond expectations!
Bill Blokker, Ed.D., is passionate about developing human performance. He studied high achieving people and organizations when earning his doctorate in leadership and organizational development from Seattle University. More importantly, he demonstrated his leadership skills by starting two successful businesses. He grew one of them into the top 2% performing companies in the United States. Blokker’s leadership and performance company has transformed over 2000 failing organizations.
Dr. Bill Blokker has spent over 30 years directing individual and organizational transformation. He knows what separates the extraordinary from the ordinary. Bill has identified the five intangibles of high performance that control all human achievement: self-awareness, emotional control, habits, expectations and self-efficacy. Your command of these intangibles maximizes your talent.

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